By Peter J. Collins, Megumi Kobayashi
B5 size 14 units 140 pages
ISBN 978-4-7647-4223-9 ¥3,520 (incl. tax)
Class CD, Downloadable Audio, TM (Scripts, Review Tests)

Video materials offer global and local perspectives of issues related to SDGs, such as climate change, gender equality and health and welfare. A wide range of tasks cover practice in the four language-learning skills.
Learners share their impressions and ideas with classmates, expanding their English communication abilities as they take a close look at SDGs and discover what these goals mean in their own lives.
The teacher’s manual includes quizzes to review material.
Warming Up
In most units, there are several discussion sections. The main aim of this section is to develop confidence in exchanging opinions and ideas in English without advance preparation.
Watching the Video
Short videos introduce issues in places all over the world. After answering questions on content and completing listening activities, learners share their own impressions and opinions on the videos they have seen.
Responding to the Data
After the listening task on statistics on the previous page, learners write out their impressions and opinions of the data in a clear and simple form, and share them with classmates.
Reading about an SDG
Reading passages of about 250 words provide background for videos, the global situation, and SDG objectives. On the following page, learners are asked to outline the passages in order to deepen understanding of the content.
Learners develop ideas for events they could hold in their own community and share them with classmates. This is a good way to think about how SDGs are relevant to them and strengthen their ability to communicate their own ideas in English.
Unit 1
Just What the Doctor Ordered
Goal 3 Good Health and Well-Being
Unit 2
The Great Outdoors
Goal 15 Life on Land
Unit 3
Putting Out the Welcome Mat
Goal 10 Reduced Inequalities
Unit 4
Too Hot to Handle?
Goal 13 Climate Action
Unit 5
Keeping Concrete Jungles Green
Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
Unit 6
The Sky’s the Limit!
Goal 5 Gender Equality
Unit 7
Passing with Flying Colors
Goal 4 Quality Education
Unit 8
Waste Not, Want Not
Goal 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
Unit 9
Time for a Sea Change
Goal 14 Life Below Water
Unit 10
Taking the Wheel
Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
Unit 11
Hanging on by a Hair
Goal 1 No Poverty
Unit 12
A Lightbulb Moment
Goal 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
Unit 13
In Hot Water
Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation
Unit 14
The Mother of Invention
Goal 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure