About plus+Media
plus+Media is a free online service provided by Kinseido Publishing Co., Ltd. Videos and audio programs associated with textbooks on plus+Media are provided through streaming. PDFs are downloadable. Note that the available content differs depending on the textbook. plus+Media is open access: users do not have to register any personal information.
There is one password per textbook. It is not case-sensitive. Enter it online here:
The password is valid for a period of one year beginning the day of the first login. Validity is visible and trackable on plus+Media after your first access:
How to log in
To log in to plus+Media, a password is required. The password for all materials on plus+Media can be found by peeling off the red sticker on the inside back cover of the textbook that you have purchased.
To log in, go to https://plusmedia.kinsei-do.co.jp/plusmedia/html/user/ or click here .
Click on the cover image of your textbook to access the log-in screen. Enter the password from the inside back cover, then click on the “Agree and Login” button to proceed.
Any time this box below appears on your screen, it means the password was entered incorrectly. Click OK and re-enter the password correctly.
The terms of use for plus+Media are below for reference. You can also find them on each product login page below the “Agree and Login” button.
Please take some time to read the terms as this information will contribute to a smooth set-up and experience for both teachers and students.
Users can also scan the QR code on the inside back cover, which opens the log-in page for that specific title. Click on the component to enter your password on the following page.
How to log out
You can log out by either choosing the log-out button or by closing the Web browser.
We recommend you always log out to facilitate smoothly logging into plus+Media the next time. If you do not log out and cannot log in, check if you are still logged in through another tab in your browser or another browser.
Terms of use for plus+Media
Management of the password is the responsibility of the user. Please keep your password in a safe place. Please save it on your computer or keep the password safe as it cannot be changed or re-issued after use.
It is not possible to share a password with another person.
It is not possible to simultaneously log in from multiple devices using one password regardless of device used.
Use of plus+Media may be refused in cases of inappropriate usage.
plus+Media’s videos and audio files must not be downloaded. Unless there is a particular provisory clause, copyrights related to plus+Media’s videos, audio, and PDFs are attributed to the copyright holders from whom Kinseido Publishing Co., Ltd. have received licenses. Kinseido does not authorize use of all or any part of plus+Media’s videos, audio, or PDFs on the user’s website or in a publication or other media.
The user will bear transmission fees at the time of use and expenses for all equipment required to use plus+Media.
Due to transmission status, in some cases it may not be possible to normally access the relevant content. Use of plus+Media will be the users’ liability, and even in the event that any damages arise as a result of use, the user will bear liability.
Conditions of use of plus+Media may be changed or the service many be discontinued without advance notice.
Recommended environment
iOS (iPhone, iPad)
OS: iOS 12 or later
Browser: Default browser
OS: Android 6 or later
Browser: Default browser, Chrome
OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10, Mac OS X
Browser: Internet Explorer 10/11, Microsoft Edge, Firefox 48 or later, Chrome 53 or later, Safari
plus+Media may not work properly on some devices, even if they meet the recommendations above. These recommendations are updated in accordance with technological progress.